Friday 2 January 2015

Business and methods of presentation for the Architectural Company

3D Architectural RenderingsArt of presentation is vital in any branch of business and when it comes to the architectural one, it forms the vital role in the architectural profession. Any architectural company should be able to do perfect presentation of their project to its target audience. The presentation should be such that it should not only be understandable and appealing to the clients but also should inculcate the trust and confidence in the minds of the target as far as the company and its work is concerned.
There are few presentation skills which all the architects should keep in their mind to excel in their presentation.
  • Architectural drawings: It is the technical drawings of a project rolled by the architect and it falls within the definition of the word architecture. It is rendering of an architectural design as planned. It is in fact the blueprint on the basis of which the entire construction of the building or any project rests. This is the age old form of presentation wherein the architect shows the blueprint that is chalked to the target clients and makes them understand the aspects of the project. Understanding the blueprint is not a cake walk activity as it contains many technical details and aspects.

    The blueprint has site plans that contain several sheets that showcase the following information viz. topographical information, demolition plans, site utility plans etc. Such method of presentation was beyond the understanding of the lay man who believed and trusted the words of architect.

  • D Renderings presentation: It is the modern and state of art technique of architectural presentation of the architectural plans with 3D effects that so that every point of the project is understood clearly.  It is the latest buzzword in the architectural arena which has been widely used by contractors, real estate agents etc. It is the innovative method of presentation of the architectural work by the company which instantly transforms 3D wire frame models into 2D images that emits 3D photo realistic or non photo realistic effect on the images. This immediately enhances the 3D anticipation of the image.

    3D renderings deliver apt replica of the concept that is related to and understood by the target audience perfectly and more clearly as compared to the brick and motor methods of architectural drawings. Materializing the architectural presentations with architectural 3D renderings will enable the target clients to understand the project details clearly and perfectly. This method of presentation incorporates 3D models, designs, plans and layouts of the project.

    With growing demand of 3D presentation from the customers end, this method of presentation has been the boon to the architectural arena. This innovative technology reflect ideas into reality in such a manner that appeal to the target audience instantly.
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